Advice for Wilberville shack-owners and other users of Arthurs Lake Rd.

Motorists using the Arthurs Lake Rd are advised of increased heavy traffic for about four weeks starting on 11 February 2013.

The schedule is for eight trucks per day (Monday-Saturday) to deliver lengths of cement-lined iron pipe as part of the Midlands Water Scheme. There will be no extra draw down on Arthurs Lake as a result of the scheme which will use water which otherwise would have been used by Hydro Tasmania to generate electricity. The scheme involves construction of an off-take structure on the Arthurs Lake levee at O’Connors Corner, 130 km of high pressure pipe, a new mini-hydro station at Floods Creek at the base of the Tiers, a regulation dam at Floods Creek and 3 pump stations. The works also include road upgrades, quarrying of material and some new gates along the pipe alignment.

Starting on the 11 February, there will be 8 large pipe trucks per day (8 pipes per truck) transporting Ductile Iron Cement Lined 1000mm pipe along Arthurs Lake Road through Willberville and into the Paradise Plains property. Other large machinery movements may also be accessing Woods Lake Road through to the Forestry Tasmania Lake River road system.

Tasmanian Irrigation thanks the angling community for its cooperation during construction and for scrutiny of the project during its development phase.

Tasmanian Irrigation’s Midlands Project Manager is Sven Meyer: 0428 577 767

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