Irrigator Representative Committees

Tasmanian Irrigation collaborates with local landowners to assess levels of potential interest in new irrigation projects and from an initial community meeting, an Irrigator Representative Committee is appointed.

This Committee plays a key role in the two-way communication between Tasmanian Irrigation and landowners – during the planning and construction, as well as once operational.

Tasmanian Irrigation sincerely thanks every IRC Chair and Committee Member for their commitment to the consultative process.

Committee Charter

If you need to contact the Chair of a Tasmanian Irrigation Irrigator Representative Committee, please find the appropriate scheme below:

Cressy Longford

Dial Blythe

Great Forester

Greater Meander

Kindred North Motton

Lower South Esk


North Esk

Sassafras Wesley Vale

Scottsdale Irrigation Scheme

SEIS (South East Stage 2)

Southern Highlands

Swan Valley

Upper Ringarooma

Winnaleah Augmentation