New Project Development 2019

Tasmanian Irrigation (TI) is working with local communities to investigate the development of the next round of irrigation schemes across Tasmania.

TI is currently investigating ten irrigation schemes of which eight are new schemes and two are existing TI schemes that are to be enhanced and expanded. TI is holding community meetings for two of these potential schemes.

TI invites landowners of each district to attend community meetings to be held in February and March. Key stakeholders (Councils, local residents, investors) are also encouraged to attend. TI will brief the community and seek feedback on each proposed scheme. Nominations will be called for irrigator committees which will provide on-going representation for the scheme irrigators.

Irrigation Scheme LocationDate and Time
Fingal Irrigation SchemeAvoca Memorial Hall, 3 Falmouth St (on the Esk Highway), AVOCATuesday 26 February 2019, at 4pm
Don Irrigation SchemeLower Barrington Town Hall, 1027 Sheffield Rd, LOWER BARRINGTONTuesday 12 March 2019, at 4pm

There will be further meetings held at a future time as schemes progress

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