Duck Irrigation Scheme seeking EOI for design and construction

Seeking Expressions of Interest (EoI) for the design and construction of the Duck Irrigation Scheme as two separate contracts:

  • Dam and Associated Works; and
  • Pipelines, Pumps and Associated Works

Tasmanian Irrigation (TI) is a state-owned company responsible for developing and operating irrigation schemes in Tasmania. TI invites the submission of EoI's from suitable contractors that wish to pre-qualify for the construction of TI's Duck Irrigation Scheme located in the north-west of the State. Contractors experienced in the construction of dams, pump stations and pipelines are encouraged to complete and submit the EoI registration form available at for either or both of the contracts offered. Contractors are required to hold or are about to obtain The Australian Government Building and Construction WHS (FSC) Accreditation. EoI closing Time and Date: 2pm on 29 July 2016

Duck Irrigation Scheme Contractor Expression of Interest (EoI) Registration Form Lodgement via email to:

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