Water Delivery

Tasmanian Irrigation’s Water Delivery Team is responsible for the operation of irrigation schemes around Tasmania, and the delivery of irrigation water in an efficient, economically viable and environmentally sustainable manner.

The Water Delivery Team currently services more than 1,000 irrigators across 18 Tasmanian Irrigation constructed and inherited irrigation projects.

The on-ground Scheme Operators manage the day-to-day delivery of water, maintenance activities, compliance monitoring and irrigator liaison.

They are supported by Tasmanian Irrigation team members with high levels of experience in:

  • Commercial: includes pricing, water trading and entitlement sales, energy analysis, reporting and stakeholder liaison;
  • Environment: water licences, monitoring, reporting and auditing;
  • Engineering / asset maintenance: maintenance planning, hydraulic modelling and dam safety program coordination; and
  • Electrical / communications: operate power stations, oversee high voltage assets and maintain electrical systems / control systems.

The Water Delivery Team delivered a record 87,510 ML of irrigation water to Tasmanian landowners in 2019-20, a 10 per cent increase on the previous year. Consistent rainfall across the 2020-21 summer months reduced demand for irrigation water during this reporting period, easing pressure on storage facilities and enabling additional repairs and maintenance to be carried out.