Northern Midlands Irrigation Scheme
Tranche Three — Phase One

Enhancing irrigation opportunity in the lower Isis Valley and Macquarie River region enhancing further growth opportunity and providing surety of water to the region.

The Northern Midlands Irrigation Scheme will deliver high-surety irrigation water to Macquarie, Barton, Conara, Campbell Town, Ross and the Lower Isis Valley areas in central Tasmania. The proposed project will provide additional irrigation water that is underpinned by large Hydro Tasmania storages in the central highlands of Tasmania. The preferred design option is based on an offtake dam and pump station below the Poatina Power Station, piping water to Conara, Campbell Town and Ross with two boost pump stations and two balance tanks.

The Northern Midlands Irrigation Scheme design is based on delivering water over a 180-day irrigation season.

Milestones / Forecasts
Funding confirmed Yes
Community meeting March 2019
EOIs launched April 2019
EOIs concluded May 2019
IRC appointed April 2019
Preferred option launched June 2020
Water sales launched December 2020
Business case submitted June 2021
Construction start date July 2024
Construction end date September 2026
Water delivery commencement October 2026
First full season 2026/27
Fast facts
Initial ML capacity 8,195 ML
Total EOIs received 13,000 ML
Expected final scheme capacity 25,500 ML
Total forecast cost $217.9 million
Estimated number of irrigators 40
Forecast season opening Early October
Forecast season closing Late March
Daily flow rate 170 ML / day
Water entitlement price $1,440 / ML
Pipeline 154.8 km
Pump Stations 1
Boost pump stations 2
Buffer Dam 1
Detailed Design


Please contact our friendly team for more information about the Northern Midlands Irrigation Scheme:

Jacob Tierney
Project Manager